The capabilities inherent in our Discovery Platform can be leveraged to predict how materials ingested or systemically administered, are metabolized and or impacted by gut metabolism. Results from this analysis could be utilized to proactively tailor product attributes to optimize benefits and minimize side effects for individuals.

Potential collaborations include:

Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical companies

Assessment and/or predictive modeling of the:

  • impact of therapeutics on the gut microbiome.
  • transformative effect of the different gut microbiome populations on therapeutics.

Diagnostic companies

Validation of biomarkers currently employed in tests and/or co-development of new diagnostic products. 

Nutritional and Food Products companies

Assessment of the impact of products on gut microbial populations, and provision of recommendations to optimize product benefits and/or minimize adverse effects.

If you are interested in partnering with us, please reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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