Bing Feng


Bing is the Chief Executive officer of Create World Real Estates Inc. based in Seattle, Washington. Prior to his present role, he was, consecutively, the CEO of HomeLegend Inc. based in Atlanta for six years, PowerDekor North America based in Montreal for two years, and DareGlobal Technologies Co, Ltd. based in Shanghai, China for four years.

Before these industry engagements, Mr. Feng was a consulting and investment practitioner for more than 10 years as the Managing Partner of CCAFM. CCAFM’s main businesses include business valuation, management consulting, M&A advisory services, and cross-border transactions. Mr. Feng also was a principal of Deloitte Consulting in its New York office.

Mr. Feng has broad expertise in business operations, restructuring, investment/divestment, M&A, and management consulting from a combination of his industry, professional service, and investment background. He has consulted a score of global companies and institutions on strategic investments, turnaround management, M&A transaction services, post-merger integrations and operations. These companies include Bayer Corp., Shell, HP, Merrill Lynch, Bridgestone Firestone, Security Industry Association, Mutual of New York Group, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Huaneng International, China Textile, China Satcom, etc.

Mr. Feng served as the independent board director for IRICO Corp., one of the largest display device and solar panel manufacturers in Asia, listed on the Hong Kong exchange. He is a member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth. He has authored and co-authored books/articles covering M&A, corporate governance, and private equity practices. One of the earliest advocators who introduced the best practices of the private equity business model to the China market, he received the 2007 Annual Contribution Award from the China Mergers &Acquisitions Association where he is one of its Executive Directors.

Mr. Feng holds a Master’s degree in Investment Finance from Syracuse University and a Master’s degree in computer engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Mr. Feng and his family currently live in Yorba Linda, a small suburb town of Orange County in California.


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